Brissy residents share their best sustainable

REduce waste

We know that small habits can have a BIG impact, so Urban Utilities asked Brissy locals to share some of the inventive ways they’re saving or reusing water.

Here are a few of our favourites to inspire you at home, in the yard and beyond!

  • When I do a water change on my fish tanks, I run the hose from the fish tank to my potted plants, it’s nutrient rich and saves on water and fertiliser – Anon Bathroom behaviours to try at home
  • I put all the hanging plants/indoor out in the rain so they get watered – Caitlin
  • In summer I water my plants with the condensation my air conditioner produces. It makes so much water! I collect it in a bowl under the aircon drain – Rita 

Savvy switches for the kitchen & laundry  

  • We only run the washing machine when we have full loads (and use a front loader) to save water – Deb
  • My children and I always take our reusable water bottles wherever we go and refill if required. I refuse to buy bottled water – Sarah 
  • Any water that’s left over from boiling veggies, pasta, etc. when I cook, I use on my plants. – Abby

Bathroom behaviours to try at home

  • I use a bucket in my shower to save water as it’s cold when first turned on. I end up with a bucket each time. I use this water to fill the bird bath in my front garden, water my plants and use it in the washing machine. It never gets wasted – Jeanne
  • A regular investment in dry shampoo for my teenage daughter means she washes her hair less often which saves water with quicker showers – Bianca
  • A fun tip for showers other than using the 2-minute timer is downloading or having a two-minute song playlist! – Matt and Sally

Swaps to embrace in your outdoor space

  • We installed a rainwater tank at our house to use on the gardens and toilet flushes to save water – Kate
  • My friends use a pool cover – Buffy
  • When I wash the car, I use waterless car wash spray (unless it’s very filthy!) – Kristy

And now for something a little…different 

  • My toddler saves on toilet flushes by weeing in the bath! – Steph
  • If it’s yellow, let it mellow…If it’s brown, flush it down – Emma
  • The kids save water by never, ever, ever flushing the toilet – Stevi

Thanks again to all the local legends who shared how they go the extra mile to make sustainable swaps and reduce their use. 

For more handy advice on saving water around the home, visit Urban Utilities’ website.

Urban Utilities is responsible for delivering world-class drinking water and wastewater services to the growing communities of Brisbane, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Somerset and Scenic Rim. We’re also planning ahead so that we all can live, work, and build around this precious natural resource, now and for decades to come.

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