All waste solutions
Quick wins and smart investments to save on waste in your business.

Save on bills by giving away your unwanted resources and waste
All Brisbane businesses now have free access to ASPIRE – a platform to buy, sell or giveaway for free unused resources and waste to other businesses.
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The seven C’s to reduce waste and save
| BUSINESS | Events and marketing expenses can add up quickly. Despite the preparation involved, much of what is prepared and provided may end up in the bin soon after. Reducing waste is a great way to reduce expenses.
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Free and affordable compost options
| BUSINESS | Composting your food waste instead of sending it to landfill can free up space in your general waste bins.
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Take a deep dive into your waste to save
| BUSINESS | Knowing what you are actually paying for in waste disposal costs is the first step towards savings. A bin inspection will offer insights for waste minimisation.
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How to start a recycling program to save money
| BUSINESS | Paper, bottles and boxes fill general waste bins quickly, increasing waste costs. You can reduce your waste costs through recycling. Here’s how to start.
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Rechargeable batteries
| BUSINESS | A little bit extra upfront for a quality rechargeable battery can be returned up to 400 times over its lifespan.
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Avoid fines for supplying single-use items
| BUSINESS | Trying to get your head around the Single-Use Plastics Ban? Here’s out top pick of handy tips and resources.
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Reduce your paper, reduce your costs
| BUSINESS | How we can make meaningful reductions to save money and reduce environmental impact. Paper, paper, paper. Are we reducing enough?
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Case studies
Locals who save money on energy, waste, water and improve their environmental impact.